
Branding Services

Branding Services
Branding Services
Branding Services
Branding Services

We could spend an hour on this one, but what it boils down to is your customer’s gut feeling about your company.

That gut instinct processes your company’s brand in a mere 0.05 seconds. Whether it’s your website, packaging, or an ad, your audience is either going to digest what you’re offering, or spit you out.

There are many, many elements to branding. But if you know what those elements are, and you’re able to design them with some strategic thinking, then you can develop a brand to which customers will assign meaning.

Imagine if Prada made a car, or NASA a vacuum cleaner. The brand is so well-developed that you can visualise them, their aesthetic is recognisable even out of context.

Much More than a Logo

What we’re getting at is your brand is so much more than just a logo design – it’s every single touchpoint your customer has with your business and should be continued throughout your customer’s entire experience. The strength of your brand is derived from a variety of design elements, all working together harmoniously.

The best way to build your brand is to begin with a solid foundation of honesty. What is your brand’s mission? Branding will communicate who you are, what your values are, and what you stand for. Although this has to be authentic, it doesn’t have to be world changing.


Our Branding Services

Our branding services are simple: we ask the right questions, and then we listen. As a branding agency, we want to get to know who you are, what you’re about, what makes you tick. Your passions, your culture, your vision. We get to know the personality of your company, understand the way you view the world, and what it is you want to say. We help you bring out your brand’s uniqueness, the character traits that your customers will want to talk about.

Once we have an in-depth understanding of your brand, our Design team will create a series of mood boards which delve into different aesthetics we could use to communicate your brand’s message. We will have a meeting where you will be presented the ideas, giving you the opportunity to highlight and discuss any thoughts and changes you may have for the project. Based on this meeting will develop your colour palette, typography, logo design, brand guidelines, and any visual assets that you require.
